Hi all, I'm a ftm of a 2.5 week old. We are weaning off supplemented formula and hopefully next week be ready to eliminate extra pumped milk to be ebf. I had low supply at the beginning and started taking fenugreek. I'm wondering if anyone had side effects from fenugreek? While it has helped up my supply it has given me awful gas and constipation, enough that I think I need to stop taking it. Does anyone have suggestions for an alternative to fenugreek? Since it upped my supply do you think stopping it will cause the supply to decrease? Thanks!
i would make sure you're following all the steps on this page about increasing your supply: kellymom.com/hot-topics/low-supply/ lots of skin to skin, lots of rest and nutrition and fluids for you, nurse on demand, etc. etc. your LO is still very little, so if you are following those steps and nursing on demand, trust that your body will do what it needs to do without any extra help. see this article for more: Why You Won't Hear Me Suggest Galactagogues
if you were supplementing bc your LO had trouble latching well or another issue, make sure that you work with a LC until that is resolved. again, if your LO is latching well and you are nursing on demand, you body should be able to produce the amount of milk that LO needs.
all that said, yes, fenugreek can definitely cause gastrointestinal issues. according to kellymom, the recommended dose is under 8 grams per day- if you're taking more than that, maybe cut back and see if that helps. see this page: kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/herbs/fenugreek/
you could also make lactation cookies. oatmeal is a galactagogue, and the cookies usually contain brewer's yeast which is full of B vitamins and good for milk production.
I am supplementing due to low supply as well and tried More Milk Plus and it really bothered my tummy, so I stopped. Don't know if it was the fenugreek specifically but I also had that side effect from lactation herbs.
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