Post by halfahippy on Jan 23, 2017 14:02:28 GMT -5
How old is baby? 10.5 months
How often are you nursing? Solids? Nursing 7-9 times a day. Solids 3 meals plus 1 small snack a day.
How are nights? Freaking awesome! She started sttn last Wednesday and has only had one midnight wake up since. DH was able to get her back down in about 15 minutes. We moved her out of our room and into her brother's room. I'm so happy! Hopefully it lasts.
How is pumping/nursing going? Fine. I'm not getting enough in my one pump a day to make it to my donation goal before I wean, but I'll just do what I can. I'm not willing to try any harder.
Q/rants/raves: now that she's sleeping through the night, her first nursing session in the morning has a horrible latch. Is that weird? I usually have to break the latch and re-latch her at least once. It started the first morning she slept all night and has happened every morning since. I'm not super engorged, just full.
We nurse 5-6 times a day and 1-2 overnight. Solids 3 times a day.
Nights are great right now! We had one super bad night this week and I ended up giving Tylenol because she was so hysterical. I'm thinking teeth? That was it though!
Natural chemical pregnancy 8/2013 Clomid #1 and #2: BFN IVF 1 :0 to use IVF 2:4 great embryos after PGS testing. FET 1: BFP EDD 6/20/15 Chemical Pregnancy FET 2: BFP EDD 11/14/2015 MMC 9.5 weeks twins IVF #3: 2 fair embryos after PGS testing Surprise BFP during break cycle and DD born 4/2016
How often are you nursing? Solids? NOD maybe 8 or so, solids 3x day
How are nights? Generally good, we are still recovering from a tummy/allergy thing but she is so much better (mild soy intolerance, they think, like actual soy not me eating it). Last night was awful I think her top teeth are just through.
How is pumping/nursing going? Great... I'm not planning on weaning at 1, so I'm not worried but I guess I just thought babies nursed less at this point. I feel like there is no way she would be ready to be done in 1.5 months (eeek)
GTKY: how many teeth does LO have? 2, but I think 2 more just broke through, but not 100% LO doesn't like it when I look. Lol.
How often are you nursing? Solids? We NOD unless I'm working. He gets three 3oz bottles while I'm at work and nurses about 4 times a day in addition to that. 2-4x overnight. Solids- 1-2x a day. Lunch and dinner usually. I would say he eats maybe 4 oz of purees total all day.
How are nights? They were getting better. Down to 1-2 wake ups. But then he got croup this weekend.
How is pumping/nursing going? Terrible. I pump at 5am, nurse at 7am, pump at 10 & 12:30, nurse on demand starting at 3:45. I can't get more than an oz per side when I pump. That's with compressions. It's really discouraging. Nursing is going fine. No issues with going back and forth between boob and bottle.
Q/rants/raves. Nothing at the moment.
GTKY: how many teeth does LO have? Just one on the bottom.
How often are you nursing? Solids? Nursing about 5 times during the day and 5 to 8 times at night. Solids once or twice depending on what we're having.
halfahippy you might have an extra strong letdown first thing in the morning, since you're likely fuller than at any other session. Can try laid back, upright, or side lying nursing and see if that helps.
jewel441 every baby is different :-) personally my son nursed about the same frequency from ~9mo until ~15mo, and then he dropped 2-4 of those sessions before 18mo.
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