Post by judyblume14 on Feb 20, 2017 9:33:43 GMT -5
5 weeks
Things are going well while we're nursing. But she been a bit sleepy, and it's just frustrating and annoying. And her super awake and fussy period that goes from about 10pm-2am makes me want to slam my head against a brick wall.
No specifically adorable stories this week. just waiting for her to give me a smile that isn't just from tooting
I have 3 main reasons for breastfeeding 1) nutrition/antibodies/etc, 2) bonding, 3) fairness...because I breastfed DD1.
GTKY: I'm returning to the gym today, I'm very excited about that.
How's everything going? Going ok. His latch issues are getting better, but we are still working on them. Thanks for the tips lilyelayne! We'llsee how his weight is today.
Questions/concerns/cute stories to share?
What is one reason why you want to BF? I BF my oldest because free and it's Ernst I thought everyone did. Only after I had been breastfeeding awhile did I realize that most moms I knew FF off the bat.
GTKY: what's something you're looking forward to this week? No plans this week, just staying home and enjoying my little ones.
How's everything going? Parents are leaving tomorrow, and we are gonna work in the latching more. It's getting better. I'm starting to get ahead of the game with pumping though! At the moment I have a couple of bottles worth of feeds in the fridge. I'm about two feeds ahead at the moment.
Questions/concerns/cute stories to share? I am so ready to not be attached to the pump anymore but I'm liking the fact that I have a visual of how much he is getting. I feel like there is gonna be some anxiety until we get into the actual nursing groove.
What is one reason why you want to BF? I love the closeness and saving money.
GTKY: what's something you're looking forward to this week? My parents leaving and getting our time back. lol.
Post by linewifekat on Feb 20, 2017 21:32:08 GMT -5
How old is LO? 11 days old
How's everything going? We're doing okay. DS2 was down 4.5 ounces from birth weight at 36 hours but up 10 ounces from lowest weight at 1 week. I had some engorgement issues and he had suck issues that we've been working on.
Questions/concerns/cute stories to share? My left breast is finally starting to feel normal but my over producing right breast still feels engorged and bruised on the inside. He's been having plenty of wet diapers but only pooping right before bed time. I was getting worried that he hadn't pooped today but then he just had a massive poop that seems like a whole days worth. Not sure what that is all about.
What is one reason why you want to BF? Convenience, saving money, and of course the health benefits.
GTKY: what's something you're looking forward to this week? I'm looking forward to his 2 week appointment to see how big he's gotten.
Questions/concerns/cute stories to share? I guess two concerns. 1. B is giving me a bleb nursing in cross cradle on my right. I saw the white spot the other day and had a bit of tenderness that I could tell may lead to a clogged duct (had a bleb/clog with DD before). I was able to clear it after a shower with a clean fingernail, and have been nursing in football ever since. It's awkward for me, so I'm hoping as he gets older he'll adjust his latch.
2. Possibly related to #1. When do I worry about B having a lip tie? I don't have pain when nursing. He's gaining great. He does have a bit of a shallow latch and and we work at each session to get a good one, but I'm more concerned about possible dental issues down the road. Google tells me he may have a more prominent one than normal. He also has a bit of a tongue tie. The LC in the hospital said he seemed like he couldn't stick out his tongue much farther than his gums and to just monitor it, but it seems like it's stretched a bit and he can now get his tongue past his lower lip so I didn't think it was an issue.
What is one reason why you want to BF? The bond!!! I had an awesome bond with DD and was so sad when she weaned. I'm looking forward to cherishing this time with B.
GTKY: what's something you're looking forward to this week? Daycare being open after all the snow we had. DD needs that stimulation. She's been crawling the walls.
How's everything going? Pretty good. Made an apptbfor next week to see a pedi dentist to talk about LilG's tongue tie revision.
Questions/concerns/cute stories to share? Only wishing we'd have been able to get in this week.
What is one reason why you want to BF? Love the bond you have with baby.
GTKY: what's something you're looking forward to this week? NBFR - our barn doors are getting installed tomorrow! Last item from the new house and we are done!!
ellabee blebs are no fun. Saline soaks several times a day can speed healing. Re: ties, sometimes women find when their supply regulates (usually between 6-12 weeks pp) previously asymptomatic ties become troublesome to nursing because baby can no longer rely on the fast abundant flow of early (over)supply. Sometimes ties continue to be asymptomatic. I have no experience/knowledge to speak to what level of tie contributes to dental decay, speech issues, etc. I would guess a speech therapist / SLP or a pediatric ENT ( would be who you would consult. The pediatric ENT would be the one to revise the tie if necessary. An IBCLC ( can evaluate ties and how they are affecting latch & milk transfer. And likely have good recommendations on local pediatric ENT if needed.
Thanks lilyelayne! I've made an appointment with the local ibclc tomorrow so they can take a better look at how he feeds. Their initial comment was exactly what you said - that after my supply regulated a bit B couldn't rely on the fast flow of my early supply and is now adjusting his sucking technique which may be causing my problems.
How's everything going? Pretty good, some nipple pain on my right breast but I have had trouble with my right side with my older two as well!
Questions/concerns/cute stories to share? Just the right side but I'm pretty sure I just have to be sure he gets a deep enough latch.. sometimes I get lazy with that.
What is one reason why you want to BF? Honestly it's almost completely money and ease of not cleaning bottles. I run a daycare so when I go back to work at 6 weeks I will just breast feed at work and that makes life easy as well.
GTKY: what's something you're looking forward to this week? My dd1 is turning 4 tomorrow! And I will be going to church so I'll get to show off the newest baby!
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