I don't know what our plans are. DH and DS ran out to grab coffee for us, so I got out DS' old jumparoo for DD. She loves it, which annoys me because I hate how big it is and was going to sell it. Why do these things have to take up so much floor space?! I want to get my living room cleaned up today and some laundry done and put away. DD also needs some 6m pants, so I want to hit up Carter's at some point.
Post by vavavictoria on Feb 25, 2017 8:12:47 GMT -5
Good morning!
C only woke at 1230 and 630. I really needed that. I feel like a new woman. She's eating now and I'm thinking back to sleep is not going to happen but I'm ok with that.
I'm hoping to talk H into donuts this am. He mentioned them earlier this week and I have been thinking about em.
Then we have some friends over and will hopefully finally get the water table together that we bought #1 for xmas. She is going to love it!
Yay weekend for sure! DH and I are going out to lunch and maybe for a walk downtown while my mom watches the girls. I've been catching up on house chores so far this am. Still, and always, contemplating what to about DD2s sleep. She was up at 1 and 5. Had to nurse both times.
Yay weekend for sure! DH and I are going out to lunch and maybe for a walk downtown while my mom watches the girls. I've been catching up on house chores so far this am. Still, and always, contemplating what to about DD2s sleep. She was up at 1 and 5. Had to nurse both times.
That was basically our wake up schedule. And she seems super hungry both times. I'm ok with that for now. It's an improvement over our multiple wake ups lately.
Post by hikingmama222 on Feb 25, 2017 9:50:41 GMT -5
No big plans. Gymnastics this morning for DD. DH wants to stop at Home Depot after to pick up a new sensor light for the back of our garage. Also going to go try on and get some new motorcycle pants for me. Mine aren't even close to fitting. No point torturing myself hoping I'll fit back into them.
I really really need to get away in my own at some point soon but I have no clue what to do.. maybe see a movie by myself? Never done that before.
Post by iwantbacon on Feb 25, 2017 10:19:08 GMT -5
Getting my nails done soon, woohoo! DS2 finally went down for a nap after fighting it like a mofo, so I need to pump quickly before my nail appointment. Worth it! Then drinking a lot of water so I am well hydrated for lots of food and some drinks tonight out with DH.
Post by macaronmama on Feb 25, 2017 10:20:36 GMT -5
Hurrah weekend!
MIL got in last night and is enjoying her grandkid. Asleep at the moment, but when he wakes we are going to take him out to our regional garden and walk about before the t-storms roll in this afternoon.
Post by erien22846 on Feb 25, 2017 10:26:54 GMT -5
DH is working today and it's back in the 20s so I'm just hanging at home with the kids. DS2 is still sleeping at 9:30 with only one wake up at 5:30. Tired boy!
Post by ksyknelvr73 on Feb 25, 2017 10:37:37 GMT -5
DH and I had a big come to Jesus discussion about his baseball stuff from the other day. He ended up taking yesterday off (I was already taking off) and we were able to spend the day together but also just kind of reconnect and really communicate. It was much needed. We went out to a movie and afterwards a couple drinks (my parents babysat) later in the evening as his actual birthday celebration.
He's gone all day today for baseball which of course I am not thrilled about but he made sure to set up his IL's taking the boys next weekend so that I am not doing this again next weekend also.
He agreed that after these two weekends of double headers, he won't have anything on the weekend anymore outside of potential make-up games for rain. That was all I wanted to begin with.
I slept like a rock last night, which is unusual when H is at work. I woke once a little before 5, but went right back to sleep. DS2 slept from 7-6:20ish, but I had my alarm set for 6 hoping to get a workout in. I got 16 minutes done before he started wailing. Better than nothing I suppose. DS1 was up at 6:40 to pee, then went back in his room. He knows he has to stay in there until the clock says 7.
H is going to sleep for a couple hours and then get up so I can meet my sister at the outlet mall. She's going to help me shop for work clothes. I'm both dreading this and excited about it, for multiple reasons.
CD1 was yesterday so I'm all kinds of irritable and moody today. I need to snap out of it.
ksyknelvr73 I'm so glad you guys had some time together and were able to come to some kind of agreement. Your day together sounds nice. I can't wait for our weekend away that's coming up. I really feel like I need some reconnection time with MH.
Both kids woke up at 6 but DH let me sleep until 8 because the baby was up constantly. Then he went back to bed.
Tonight we're going to a friend's house to play games. They hired a babysitter to watch all the kids in the basement while the adults play. Also need to clean this messy house.
ksyknelvr73 I'm so glad you guys had some time together and were able to come to some kind of agreement. Your day together sounds nice. I can't wait for our weekend away that's coming up. I really feel like I need some reconnection time with MH.
I really think that when you never have that time together, it can greatly affect things (negatively). It helped quite a bit for us. It's so hard to carve out that time but if we can just do it a few times a year it makes all the difference.
Tired today. H and I had a nice night after the kids fell asleep and watched Arrival and were up until midnight. It was really good and prompted interesting conversation after we watched. Trigger warning below about the movie though
We're headed to my bff's this afternoon, as she's 23 weeks pregnant and on bedrest.
I just got a dress for a wedding. I tried on everything. Everything. Two Tommy Hilfiger dresses fit. No wonder. I always have good luck with his stuff for some reason. Must be my all American fat ass.
ksyknelvr73 I'm so glad you guys had some time together and were able to come to some kind of agreement. Your day together sounds nice. I can't wait for our weekend away that's coming up. I really feel like I need some reconnection time with MH.
I really think that when you never have that time together, it can greatly affect things (negatively). It helped quite a bit for us. It's so hard to carve out that time but if we can just do it a few times a year it makes all the difference.
Completely agree. I wish we were able to get date nights 1-2 times/month, but between H's schedule and the lack of readily available family/babysitters that doesn't happen. We have to make the couple times a year work for us and make sure to take advantage of surprise early days for him where I'm home and the boys are at daycare.
This is also why I'm hard on my kids having early bedtimes. I so need that time in the evening with him. It's hard to be "on" all the time.
We went on the ferry this morning because DS wanted and because its an awesome spot to catch Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Then we went grocery shopping and now just relax at home before DHs friends come over for magic cards or something like that.
I just weighed myself after eating whatever I wanted for almost a week. I think my scale is broken because there's no way I lost weight, right? Or maybe I really haven't been eating enough? I'm tired of this mindfuck. I just want the fat to go away.
Did you do a lot of walking that was out of the norm? (Forgive me, I don't remember what you were doing on vacation)
Post by ksyknelvr73 on Feb 25, 2017 12:05:02 GMT -5
Yes, early bedtimes FTW. We have all 3 in bed by 8pm typically, especially on weeknights. The baby usually passes out by 7:30. DH and I use that next couple hours to talk, watch our shows, order some takeout and have a living room picnic, etc. With his baseball schedule this happens maybe once or twice a week but the rest of the year we end up with every night at least having some time to ourselves.
ksyknelvr73 yes. Same. It makes the evenings super hectic, but I cannot properly relax and unwind with MH till everyone is in bed.
@kitchen dang. I guess enjoy the unexpected weight loss then! I'm really hoping that between making an effort to get on the new elliptical daily and walking a ton when the new job starts that I'll start seeing the scale move again.
Everyone is napping. I know it will be short lived because DS2 should up within the half hour, but I'm basking in the solitude for now.My kids were suuuuper needy this morning (or maybe it was just me) and I'm feeling really touched out and overwhelmed.
ETA: Just kidding. DS1 just tried to come out of his room after 15 minutes and is currently wailing "I want my daaaaddddy" in his bed.
ETA 2: And there's DS2 about 10-15 minutes earlier than expected. 🙄
My sister just text and asked if I thought we'd have time for a pedicure and drinks after shopping. Umm, yes? I will make time. Especially after the above.
I just got a dress for a wedding. I tried on everything. Everything. Two Tommy Hilfiger dresses fit. No wonder. I always have good luck with his stuff for some reason. Must be my all American fat ass.
I haven't tried his stuff before, but my large American ass also needs some clothes that fit.
This baby will not sleep with her arms out. Like 15 minutes is the top I've gotten either during naps or at night. But she's a few days away from 5 months and can roll really easy so I have to stop the sleep sack with arms in, right?
Also I really need to work and have O eat something at daycare. She's even refusing the syringe now. I'm not really a rice cereal fan, but I got some today and thickened her milk just enough to more easily spoon feed her. She loved it! If I have to resort to this at least I only work 3 days a week.
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