How is breastfeeding going? Great. His latch as been wonky and it really hurts lately. It feels like he's about to pop a tooth.
How is pumping/work (if you are back to work)? Pumping is fine. B nurses every two hours at night, and I pump once in the morning for a stash. I usually get two ounces. I think I have close to 30 oz now.
How are nights? Terrible
Any teeth/signs of teething? See above
Questions/AW/Rant? B is having a lot of issues with his reflux/torticollis/sleeping and I'm having a difficult time. I have zero time for myself (I have an almost 3 year old), and I'm going back to work soon. I'm just generally not very happy these days.
GTKY: What are you're top three favorite books? In no particular order-
Outlander series Harry Potter series Mortal Instruments/Clockwork series
I totally cheated and all I listed is about 18 books lol!
How is breastfeeding going? Great! Excepted he was vomiting all afternoon?
How is pumping/work (if you are back to work)? I'm getting 8 oz ish while at work pumping 3x so I also pump before and after work and before bed to get the 12oz he eats.
How are nights? Brutal. Every 1-2 hrs wake ups.
Any teeth/signs of teething? Noop.
Questions/AW/Rant? How much does flange size impact efficiency? I'm suspecting that my flange is a little too big but wondering if I should even bother replacing it? Same with that little rubber piece - maybe I should buy some extras of those? Maybe it won't make a difference?
GTKY: What are you're top three favorite books?
It's kind of a funny story - by Ned vizinni THe Great Gatsby IN the skin of a Lion
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