How is breastfeeding going? Great. I got my period a few weeks ago because the universe thinks I'm a joke, but it didn't mess up my supply so I'm happy.
Is this your first BFing experience? No. I BF DS1 for 2 years. They are totally different nurslings though. It's crazy.
How is pumping/work (if you are back to work)? Pumping once in the morning after he nurses and getting two ounces. He rarely gets a bottle so it just goes right in the freezer.
How are nights? Getting better, very very slowly. He's giving me 3.5/4 hours at a time now! He rolls all over his crib and doesn't know how to get comfy. I can't believe he's rolling around.
Any teeth/signs of teething? Nah.
Questions/AW/Rant? Anyone else dealing with reflux?
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Is it from when you were young or a new one you started with your LO(s)? Ds1 is almost 3, so we haven't really started any new traditions. I can't wait to though, he definitely gets it this year.
How is pumping/work (if you are back to work)? My supply sucks. I'm getting 7oz after 3 sessions at work plus another 2-4 at home. I'm basically 5-8oz short each day.
How are nights? Still brutal.
Any teeth/signs of teething? Bottom two are through. He is miserable.
Questions/AW/Rant? I'm just feeling hopeless I guess. I want my flange to come in to see if it helps. I feel like he's never going to sleep like he used to. I'm crabby at work. I'm exhausted at home. I'm hoping my freezer stash is enough to get him through to 6 months. We'll probable have to supplement with formula soon I think. I just want to leave my family for a day, check into a hotel and sleep, but I feel terrible because I only see F for like 3 hrs a day tops during the week.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Is it from when you were young or a new one you started with your LO(s)? I help my mom decorate the tree.
How are nights? Decent. She has decided she prefers sleeping on her side which is fine unless she rolls too far and ends up on her stomach and I have to rescue her because she hasn't figured out how to roll back yet.
Any teeth/signs of teething? I don't think so.
Questions/AW/Rant? Does anyone know if ketosis is bad when you are breastfeeding? I know it's really frowned upon during pregnancy, but I haven't found much info about breastfeeding.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Is it from when you were young or a new one you started with your LO(s)? I love going to see Christmas lights. We did it when I was a kid and DD loves staring at lights so I'm excited to take her. My favorite thing used to be baking Christmas cookies wth my mom but since I can't eat any (diabetes + IBS) I stopped doing it.
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