Hi, i'll be hanging out in the checkin in future but hoped to get some help on a couple of things asap if ok?
I had some problems nursing DS1, mostly due to a very painful latch as a result of a tongue tie that wasn't detected until he was 4 weeks, when I was ready to throw in the towel. But also I have very large (34HH) soft breasts that made positioning difficult for me. I'm hoping for an easier time this turn. ..
DS2 is 2 1/2 days old and I think we're off to a good start BF (LC has confirmed no TT!) but my nipples are taking a bruising and i have some questions. ..
I'm struggling to find the best position that works around my C section pain and rapidly growing boobs. I've tried football and cross cradle but I'm struggling to to get a deep enough latch. I think my milk is coming in now so my boobs are even more huge and it's difficult to make the hamburger shape to get LO on properly. Does any one have any tips for larger breasts? How to handle them (I feel I need a 3rd hand)? Better positions?
Also, LO has been cluster feeding since last night which isn't giving my sore nipples much of a break. He's feeding every 60-90min for 30min or so. I started out making sure he got both breasts each time but switched to alternating at each feed because it was painful. Is it too soon to for ths? Will it damage my supply? what's best?
I have large breasts too. I had to use a nipple shield in the beginning since my nipples are large. DD wasn't able to latch well or deep and I was getting torn up. The LC was the one who recommended I use one and sized me correctly. I was able to wean off around 5-6 weeks.
I didn't have a csection so I'm not sure about positioning there. I used a My Breast Friend pillow and nursed in football position with a burp cloth rolled up under my breast for support to keep them lifted. For the first few months, I hand to sandwich my breast to get DD attached and continued to hold it sandwiched throughout the whole nursing session to keep her on. It was a pain at first but I got used to it.
I used nipple cream after EVERY time I nursed. I'm sorry for the soreness! It is tough in the beginning.
I always offered both breasts at the beginning so someone else may be able to chime in.
Good luck!
ETA: we had DD's tongue tie revised at 2 days old. I was still having issues with getting torn up and pedi said it was fine but I got a second opinion with an ENT and the posterior tie (apparently super hard to see) was missed. We had it recorrected and things improved greatly! It may not hurt to have an ENT or pediatric dentist check for ties since your first kid had one.
Natural chemical pregnancy 8/2013 Clomid #1 and #2: BFN IVF 1 :0 to use IVF 2:4 great embryos after PGS testing. FET 1: BFP EDD 6/20/15 Chemical Pregnancy FET 2: BFP EDD 11/14/2015 MMC 9.5 weeks twins IVF #3: 2 fair embryos after PGS testing Surprise BFP during break cycle and DD born 4/2016
I have a large chest and also had a c section. Hang in there you are doing great! It is so hard at first but it does get better! At first you just kinda have to do what you have to do with positioning, I did a lot of football. Are you still in the hospital? Get a nurse to help you. I had them come like every time to help get me in position. You do need extra hands. Have them show H how to help you so he can repeat at home. I would get into a position, and then H would come and shove pillows all around me so that I could stay that way.
Newborns have little mouths and it's definitely tough, just really try and pancake your breast. It gets easier as they get a bit bigger.
The breast friend pillow is great.
Around 2 weeks I started to physically feel much more comfortable and at that point I was able to do side lying which was a magical revolution to nursing.
In between sessions lather your nipples up with lanolin or get those gel packs, they really help, try and give your nipples some air dry time, that also helps with comfort. Hang in there you are doing great!!
Have you tried laid back nursing? youtu.be/KYRg8DTbZCc And this is an interesting video by Nancy Mohrbacher about positioning and getting a deep latch. youtu.be/d8SI4XKkOl8
Any chance your partner is on leave or you have another support person around? A third hand may actually help! You may try rolling up a burp rag and sticking it underneath your boob to help lift things up. May or may not help.
Oh yeah- nipple soreness. Express a little milk on nips and let air dry after each feeding, then apply nipple cream. Lanolin, earth mama angel baby nipple butter, virgin coconut oil - all good options. Can try gel soothie pads. Alternatively, breast shells or lansinoh Thera pearls can keep your clothes away from your nipples.
Sorry for the slow response westiemom and jewel441, we came home today so it's all been a little hectic!
I spoke to a LC before leaving the hospital and she gave me some more pointers but she didn't suggest a nipple shield, just the cooling gel pads. I'm going to the local BF support group on Friday so will talk to the LC there as that could definately help get me through the pain of the early weeks - thanks for the suggestion. That LC is the one who finally noticed DS1s TT (I think it was posterior too) so I'll feel confident once she's had a look.
I don't know why I didn't think to take my BF pillows to the hospital!! The brest friend pillow is sitting uncomfortably on my incision right now but was my favourite with DS1 - the boppy has made a big difference though. I still can't quite sandwich my boobs enough but hopefully that'll get easier with practice.
I'm taking comfort from the fact that LOs weight didn't drop further between night 2 and 3 so it looks like he's getting what he needs even if I'm hurting. For now, DH has just gone out to pick up more nipple cream. ..
Thank you very much ladies, I really appreciate the support.
Thanks for the links lilyelayne. I spiraled from these in the MOTN and am giving laid back a try. I always thought it would be no go with my boobs but looks like I got that wrong.
I found cradle to be better than cross cradle or football. I have a large chest as well and my LC recommended I roll up 1 or 2 muslin clothes and use them to prop up my boob so I didn't have to hold it all the time. Making a boob sandwich (make a c-shape with your hand and grip your boob) helps. Also try gently pressing between LO's shoulder blades with the heel of your hand to force a deeper latch.
I used a regular pillow on my lap and sat cross-legged to nurse DS the first 5 weeks. Anything else was too much on my c-section wound.
On the breast support topic, I used a little pillow thing under my breast for a couple weeks early on and I think it helped so I could use my hands to support baby and work on latch versus trying to hold my breast up! This is the one I found stayed in place better than burp cloths for me.
Thank you jennybeans. We've made some improvements over the last couple of days but it's been tough and this could definitely help. I've ordered one tonight and will see how we get on!
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