Hey ladies! DS is almost one and still comfort sucks quite a bit in his sleep. He refuses a paci, I've tried multiple times. We cosleep, which probably doesn't help our situation, but do any of you have any tips for getting him to stop? Or maybe lessen the time etc? I've tried popping him off, but he will freak out and immediately relatch.
in the no-cry sleep solution, elizabeth pantley describes the so-called "pantley pull-off" technique:
[instead of] letting him fall asleep at the breast, let him suck for a few minutes until his sucking slows and he is relaxed and sleepy. Then break the seal with your finger and gently remove the pacifier or nipple.
Often, especially at first, your baby then will startle and root for the nipple. Try to very gently hold his mouth closed with your finger under his chin, or apply pressure to his chin, just under his lip, at the same time rocking or swaying with him. If he struggles against this and fusses or roots for you or his bottle or pacifier, go ahead and replace the nipple, but repeat the removal process as often as necessary until he falls asleep.
How long between removals? Every baby is different, but about ten to sixty seconds between removals usually works. You also should watch your baby’s sucking action. If a baby is sucking strongly or swallowing regularly when feeding, wait a few minutes until he slows his pace. Usually, after the initial burst of activity, your baby will slow to a more relaxed, “fluttery” pace; this is a good time to begin your removal attempts.
It may take two to five (or even more) attempts, but eventually your baby will fall asleep without the pacifier or nipple in her mouth. When she has done this a number of times over a period of days, you will notice the removals are much easier, and her awakenings are less frequent.
so basically, i'd stick with the de-latching, but it might take a while to get it to work.
also, if possible i would get your SO on board as nighttime helper- i.e. if you're having trouble getting LO to de-latch, pass him off to your SO for rocking, shushing, singing, etc.
i've been there, though-- my first was a rabid cosleeper (had to be IN SOMEONE'S ARMS to sleep for the first 2 years of his life, basically) and constant night nurser-- and you have my all my sympathies. it's almost a blessing that DS2 sucks him thumb- after he's done nursing he just pops the thumb in and that's that!
in the no-cry sleep solution, elizabeth pantley describes the so-called "pantley pull-off" technique:
[instead of] letting him fall asleep at the breast, let him suck for a few minutes until his sucking slows and he is relaxed and sleepy. Then break the seal with your finger and gently remove the pacifier or nipple.
Often, especially at first, your baby then will startle and root for the nipple. Try to very gently hold his mouth closed with your finger under his chin, or apply pressure to his chin, just under his lip, at the same time rocking or swaying with him. If he struggles against this and fusses or roots for you or his bottle or pacifier, go ahead and replace the nipple, but repeat the removal process as often as necessary until he falls asleep.
How long between removals? Every baby is different, but about ten to sixty seconds between removals usually works. You also should watch your baby’s sucking action. If a baby is sucking strongly or swallowing regularly when feeding, wait a few minutes until he slows his pace. Usually, after the initial burst of activity, your baby will slow to a more relaxed, “fluttery” pace; this is a good time to begin your removal attempts.
It may take two to five (or even more) attempts, but eventually your baby will fall asleep without the pacifier or nipple in her mouth. When she has done this a number of times over a period of days, you will notice the removals are much easier, and her awakenings are less frequent.
so basically, i'd stick with the de-latching, but it might take a while to get it to work.
also, if possible i would get your SO on board as nighttime helper- i.e. if you're having trouble getting LO to de-latch, pass him off to your SO for rocking, shushing, singing, etc.
i've been there, though-- my first was a rabid cosleeper (had to be IN SOMEONE'S ARMS to sleep for the first 2 years of his life, basically) and constant night nurser-- and you have my all my sympathies. it's almost a blessing that DS2 sucks him thumb- after he's done nursing he just pops the thumb in and that's that!
DS seems to be the same as your first since maps are on me too, unless we are in the car. I will definitely give it a try and pray for a miracle, lol.
megrae12 ds is like this. He naps and sleeps on his own but if he does sleep near me he will keep my nipple in his mouth the entire time. We've been working on breaking the habit because while I'm okay with extending naps through cuddling I don't need his crappy latch the entire time. Anyways side rant aside. I have found that sucking on the finger in break his seal with really helps and almost every time he'll pop off and rest. It may just be for a few minutes and we have to repeat the process but the wet finger seems to break the seal more gently. Good luck. Hope this helps.
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