Post by allisong87 on Mar 11, 2017 22:47:39 GMT -5
Hey everyone! DS2 was born 5 weeks early in January. He is exclusively breastfed and depending on the time of day is either fed from the breast or given expressed milk in a bottle. When he drinks from the breast he tends to spit up a lot more than when he drinks from a bottle. Do you think this is normal? He does have a little bit of reflux as well but it seems to be a lot worse when he's directly feeding from the breast. He also latches on right away but once we do a burp he has trouble latching on from that point and sometimes only nurses for a short period of time and then gets really fussy. I'm wondering if my flow is too fast for him? Sometimes it sounds like it is but other times not.
Natural chemical pregnancy 8/2013 Clomid #1 and #2: BFN IVF 1 :0 to use IVF 2:4 great embryos after PGS testing. FET 1: BFP EDD 6/20/15 Chemical Pregnancy FET 2: BFP EDD 11/14/2015 MMC 9.5 weeks twins IVF #3: 2 fair embryos after PGS testing Surprise BFP during break cycle and DD born 4/2016
Post by mrsp121308 on Mar 13, 2017 16:48:55 GMT -5
It's probably a combo of his prematurity and fast let down. DD was born at 35w3d and has always spit up a ton. When I mentioned it at her pedi appointment she explained that she just wasn't fully developed so she has some reflux. As long as it's not painful for them or they aren't gaining weight, it's basically just an unpleasant laundry problem for us. It's very common in premies but they usually outgrow it by their first birthday.
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