@opeliawanders lol, poop watch is fun. I did notice at 3 mo my son started to have less sharting and more of a daily poopy diaper. And then he started skipping a day here and there. This past week he's been pooping every 2 days and they are epic.
How is breastfeeding going? Good. I got the stomach a week ago and my supply tanked. We made it thru with freezer stash and 2 formula bottles. Still working on improving my supply though.
I work 8-5, pump twice aday.
My goal is 6 months. After that formula at DC and BF at home.
On a good night I'll feed him twice. He's a chunky baby at 18 lbs so I'm wodering if the pedi will say anything about MOTN feedings.
Lots of drool but I can''t see or feel any teeth yet.
GTKY: My favorite movie is One Fine Day. I used to love watching it on rainy days with chocolate and a glass of white wine.
How is breastfeeding going? Pretty good, too good actually(see questions below)
Any short and/or long-term breastfeeding goals? Any goal updates? I want to get to 6 months, I also want her to to start to take a bottle.
How are nights? No complaints, at least 8 hours. We're trying to get bedtime earlier so she's been waking earlier.
Any teeth/signs of teething? Nope
Questions/AW/Rant? Ok, she took a bottle a few weeks after she was born to supplement. We were able to drop the bottles, but now we want to integrate the bottle to prepare for me going back to work and it's awful. She refuses the bottle. Fights it every time, screaming like she's being tortured. She also won't take a paci(she did up until 2 weeks ago). We've tried just about everything I can think of and it's not getting better. I want to try a bit longer before asking pediatrician. Anyone have suggestions?
waitwhat. We've each tried giving the bottle. Over the course of a month we've tried 4 different nipple/bottle combos. Tried room temp milk, various degrees of warmer milk.
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