He might be eating them. I can't tell. I'm not allowed to look at him when he eats.
Snort. Why aren't you allowed to look at him when he eats?
Because then he won't eat. Child demands to be the center of my attention all.the.time. Except when he's trying to feed himself, then he needs to be ignored.
You guise she's still sleeping. 2.5 hours. She slept through dinner, and should be getting her bath and bedtime nurse right now. What should I do?
That's tricky. I'd lean towards her needing the sleep if she has been feeling iffy and sleeping so much today. If she wakes up soon offer dinner and then do the rest of the bedtime routine. If she keeps sleeping much longer, evaluate then? Maybe take her temp when she does wake up?
You guise she's still sleeping. 2.5 hours. She slept through dinner, and should be getting her bath and bedtime nurse right now. What should I do?
How strange! I'm always team nwasb (never wake a sleeping baby). If she is sleeping so much, I would guess she needs it. Then, just nurse her whenever she wakes up and skip the bath. My lo fell asleep strangely early too and she just woke up so I am hoping she can nurse again and keep sleeping.
tenniscourt You like Harry? ❤️Harrison is a really cute name. I loved it on Dexter.
He's adorable! I lurked some of the Larry stuff but it was so much to keep up with. I only read the beginning of the chapters and then forgot for awhile and it was on page 1000 or something by the time I went back. Haha. I've never seen Dexter but have it on my Netflix queue.
You guise she's still sleeping. 2.5 hours. She slept through dinner, and should be getting her bath and bedtime nurse right now. What should I do?
How strange! I'm always team nwasb (never wake a sleeping baby). If she is sleeping so much, I would guess she needs it. Then, just nurse her whenever she wakes up and skip the bath. My lo fell asleep strangely early too and she just woke up so I am hoping she can nurse again and keep sleeping.
For you @joybaby5: [img src="http://media.photobucket.com/user/Chazbeadles/media/tumblr_ls1per0vJF1r3rlyeo1_500_large.gif.html?filters[term]=harry%20styles%20gif&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=8"]
FFSC: I spent 5 minutes searching for Harry Styles goat GIFs. There don't appear to be any. Sad times.
For you @joybaby5: [img src="http://media.photobucket.com/user/Chazbeadles/media/tumblr_ls1per0vJF1r3rlyeo1_500_large.gif.html?filters[term]=harry%20styles%20gif&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=8"]
FFSC: I spent 5 minutes searching for Harry Styles goat GIFs. There don't appear to be any. Sad times.
GIF fail. I suck. Apparently I only had one day of GIFs in me. It was special while it lasted.
Phew. Just caught up after our day at the zoo. Now I Forget what I wanted to comment on.
LO did surprisingly well at the zoo today. He even napped in his carrier which he hasn't done in forever! However, I guess he is afraid of the car wash. He started crying hysterically when it started and stopped as soon as we were out. Weird.
Also, what should I drink now that we are home? AO or barefoot moscato ( inspired by the previous barefoot discussions)
Hmm this is a very tough choice. I vote moscato!
Also annie0714 you didn't happen to have your baby in Jan, did you? Because this is rather creepy but I know an Annie that had a baby in Jan and moved here around when you did (I think). How weird would it be if you are the person I know?! Highly unlikely, though.
Nope LO was a Feb baby. Also Annie isn't my actual name. My original username had my first name. I quietly changed my name on to when everyone else did and I'm banking on no one remembering what it was
I have wondered if I've ever run into you irl though. We work in somewhat similar fields and I think I remember you saying you were also at UCSD
codypup FWIW, if I need to nurse LO in the car while we're out and about, I usually sit in the front seat where there's more room. And then I let her bounce around and hit the buttons and the steering wheel for awhile before I put her in her seat. We're always stationary, though! But it has drawn a few concerned looks.
Post by starfisher on Jan 17, 2015 19:23:13 GMT -5
Nursing LO before bedtime. She should be asleep soon but she's currently smacking my face and blowing raspberries on my boob, so it's not looking good....
Nursing LO before bedtime. She should be asleep soon but she's currently smacking my face and blowing raspberries on my boob, so it's not looking good....
I don't BF anymore but smacking my face (and grabbing my necklace and hair) are my LO's favorite rocking-to-sleep activities. Hope your LO drifts off soon!
I liked the name Harrison for a boy but was afraid of people calling him Harry and making fun of him. Now that I've learned about Harry Styles I totally want to convince my DH that it's a good option if we have another boy someday.
I've been trying to convince mamosey to name baby #2 Harry if it's s boy. I think Rudy and Harry sound nice together.
Post by hashtagrainbow on Jan 17, 2015 19:34:16 GMT -5
Y'all, L is being Picky Pants squared and will not eat anything I give her tonight! So she's sitting in her high chair drinking a bottle of milk because I got tired of fighting her on the sippy cup and food. It's bedtime in T minus NOW. I need wine. Stat.
codypup FWIW, if I need to nurse LO in the car while we're out and about, I usually sit in the front seat where there's more room. And then I let her bounce around and hit the buttons and the steering wheel for awhile before I put her in her seat. We're always stationary, though! But it has drawn a few concerned looks.
i do this too and wonder if I'm being judged
Is it not ok to let your LO drive in your lap??? *poof*
Y'all, L is being Picky Pants squared and will not eat anything I give her tonight! So she's sitting in her high chair drinking a bottle of milk because I got tired of fighting her on the sippy cup and food. It's bedtime in T minus NOW. I need wine. Stat.
Hi. Welcome to Lyfe with Baby $hell. He rejected my muffins, btw. And when I tried to hide them in spoonfuls of yogurt? He yelled at me and fished the yogurty, drooly pieces out of his mouth. So that was fun.
codypup FWIW, if I need to nurse LO in the car while we're out and about, I usually sit in the front seat where there's more room. And then I let her bounce around and hit the buttons and the steering wheel for awhile before I put her in her seat. We're always stationary, though! But it has drawn a few concerned looks.
That wouldn't bother me in the slightest! I did the same thing back in my BFing days.
These people today were definitely not stationary. Baby in mom's lap in the passenger's seat. I could see the empty car seat in the back. WTF?!??
DH has made a "no lo in the front seat to nurse" his hill to die on because he's concerned if a car hit our parked car an airbag could go off and kill her. A bit extreme but whatever, we have a row of captains seats in the back so I nurse her there.
I suppose this is reasonable. I haven't liked climbing in the back before, but this is defiantly something to consider
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